Combat stress classes tell us the body is designed to do two things when you receive and adrenaline spike from fear of the unknown: fight or flight. Many people when being stalked might chose flight, others who feel threatened, maybe grew up in a tough neighborhood, might choose fight. What would you choose? Most of us don't know, but many of us are quick to judge the actions of others with different responses. Self defense, that animal instinct to protect oneself can be strong. There are few Marines I know who would choose flight in a situation like this. In today's age, I doubt being stalked and snuck behind would lead to flight by almost anyone...most tough young kids would address the stalker.
So there are some basic questions:
1. Why are you being followed?
2. Are you breaking any laws?
3. If you confront the stalker and he poses a threat, what will you do?
Most people want to defend Zimmerman based on the fear that a conviction will lead to more gun control. Others are simply racist and believe Treyvon was stalked, confronted and murdered based on him being black wearing a hoodie. Here is the point, we will NEVER know for sure what happened because we only have one side of the story. Some facts we do know.
1. Zimmerman's statement begins with an explanation of break ins in the past and why he had a neighborhood watch.
2.. Zimmerman was driving to the store, armed, had 911 on the phone and followed Treyvon. He found multiple reasons to get out of his car.
3. Treyvon clearly knew he was being followed after stopping at a convenience store and felt threatened, which explains the question"do you have a problem."
Based on Zimmerman's actions, ignoring the police instructions, justification of why he is so paranoid leading the statement to police, and getting out of his car multiple times, he clearly DID have a problem. The kid was big, but he was NOT armed, Zimmerman was. Anyone who also knows human nature, or the character of a person willing to "pack heat," disobey the 911 operator, and get out of his car multiple times to follow Treyvon, knows Zimmerman DID have a problem, and most likely is lying when he says he stated "NO" when asked if he had a problem. Somehow this neighborhood watch starting, gun carrying, 911 operator ignoring, follower of people because they look suspicious, is Mr. Meek "no" [i don't have a problem]???
Sometimes finding justice boils down to a few basic facts. Zimmerman was armed, suspicious of a black male in his community, ignored authorities himself, and was in some way confronted or even himself confrontational. And frankly, an unarmed kid leaving dads house is dead. Period.
Even after shooting an unarmed kid, he admits holding Treyvon's hands down and asking for help to restrain him!!! That alone is sick! He never once in his head clicked into, "damn, I just shot this guy, this guy is in shock, I need to start thinking about addressing the fact he might die!" Basically, dude started the fight by disobeying authorities and evoking the "fight or flight" instinct in Treyvon. He was loosing the fight he inevitably started, and he killed a kid.
I am not afraid of loosing my gun rights because of this case and will not be coaxed into defending a clearly guilty man because of fear. I am also exposed to way too many cultures in the military and way to many young people and know Zimmerman's actions begged for a fight. I know that Zimmerman killed an unarmed kid ONLY because HE put himself in the wrong place when he was told not to. The fact is, Zimmerman is guilty of at minimum manslaughter.
I wonder why there are less conservatives willing to speak for the dead boy named Treyvon than for the authority ignoring, confrontational (following him and getting out of the car while packing heat alone PROVES he is a confrontational man) Zimmerman. If we are on the wrong side of this one, the right wing will deserve its criticism of racist...because I have read it all, debated it many times, and there is simply no other defense for this murderer. You don't KILL because you are losing a fight YOU picked by scaring a kid into his "fight" response after disobeying authorities. I'm not afraid of losing gun rights, because murderers should be punished. Zimmerman is not the innocent man carrying a gun, he is the criminal who used it to kill a kid, like any other criminal.
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