Friday, August 22, 2014

Pet Peeves #1...Tint Laws!!! "Those Little Things That Annoy Me and Make Our Founding Fathers Role Over in Their Graves!"

What is the deal with tint laws? Why on earth are we not allowed to have the maximum privacy in our vehicles possible? Should a vehicle be considered public or private domain?

For search purposes, the vehicle is treated as private domain, where an officer needs to have a solid reason to inspect inside. So why the tint? I thought maybe it was for safety purposes. Too dark of tint does not allow you to use your mirrors at night. But then why would they let you tint all the back windows without restriction to it's tone? If safety for you because of driving visibility is the only reason, then I just cannot explain that inconsistency.

Safety and visibility for the officers? Are we not allowed to tint our windows because we need to keep the officers safe? Because we need to maintain their "right" to see inside and check if we are breaking the law? If this is the case, and public opinion says it is, then I have a big reason why this is my first installment of pet peeves!

Todays culture is a safety conscience culture. Gone are the days in the Midwest when a couple friends can jump into the back of their dad's pickup and cruise down the road. Gone are the days of smoking in restaurants acceptably, or not wearing a seatbelt, even for the smallest drive. Is all this good? Are we moving in the right direction and doing the right thing by regulating the safety of our fellow man?

I believe in the absolute sovereignty of the individual over the institution. In all of my ramblings that will come, the theme will always be that individual liberty trumps any good meaning, well intended law for the purpose of legislating my personal space. In the case of the tint and the safety of the officer, it is my personal right to privacy that trumps an officers right to view the cab of my vehicle. If I am a law abiding citizen, restricting my right to remain absolutely free and private, in any way shape or form, as a preventative measure to secure an officer of the states safety, is offensive.

In America, we have lifted up the stature of the public servant (Fireman, Police, Military) to that above a normal citizen. The average citizen has become "second class" in todays almost fascist society. The people who gave up their own liberties, willingly, to serve the public, have been put on a pedestal. We have lost the fact that the public servant had purposely taken the step down in the name of protecting the citizens liberty! The reason we are "public servants" is to preserve those liberties FOR THE PEOPLE! We cannot allow the officers of the state to become the primary concern of law, if so, we have just taken the first steps in empowering the government on the way to tyranny. It is the citizen first. The question must and will be answered in all cases of law in America: Which is the most sacred virtue, the sovereignty of the institution, or the sovereign freedom of the individual!

Give us our limo tint!!" 

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